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The file with advanced controlled memory to keep your treatment advancing

ZenFlex CM utilizes a proprietary metallurgy and heat treatment 
method of processing NiTi resulting in a silver titanium oxide layer, 
which allows for superior resistance to cyclic fatigue and more 
resistance to file separation.


Dr. Rodrigo Vargas |ZenFlex CM taper 0.4 | ZenFlex Gutta Percha | Canals Mesials until 20.04 | Canal Distal until 30.04

x ray of canal before being shaped zenflex CM
x ray of shaped canal with zenflex CM
Schedule a Demo and Save on this new file!

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Excellent Flexibility


Designed with a triangular cross-section with proprietary heat treatment, ZenFlex CM exhibits increased flexibility that lets you reach the full working length of even complex root geometries.

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Increased Performance

Resists torsional stress and cyclic fatigue resulting in minimal breakage and reduced transportation allowing for dependable and predictable results.

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Reach More

Engineered in smaller sizes to reach more canals and allows for pre-bending for adaptability into curved or narrow root canals.

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High Cutting Efficiency

A proprietary heat-treatment design delivers excellent cutting efficiency and controlled memory, giving the file the ability to naturally follow the curvature of the canal while preserving the tooth’s structural integrity.

"I liked that the pre-curving of the files prior to introducing into the canal was much easier and I believe it can be used on all kinds of canals."

Dr. Rodrigo Vargas

"These instruments go from size 13 to 30 and you can utilize them right after having established patency with you 10 or 15 K file. Utilizing these files you will see great results and have successful treatment."

Dr. Minerva Lopez Lara
Need larger sizes? Check out our ZenFlex File system.
The ZenFlex CM file system is 
offered in comprehensive tips 04 or 06 and 
taper configuration sizes (13-30) 
to meet the needs of clinicians.

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