CaviWipes HP is the newest member of the trusted CaviWipes family providing a fast 1-minute universal contact time from an alcohol-free hydrogen peroxide formulation that fully qualifies for the EPA’s rigorous Emerging Viral Pathogen Claim.
CaviWipes HP’s 1-step** wipe capability can help simplify your staff’s workflow and compliance and can potentially reduce wipe usage. The new green top opens and closes more easily and securely and dispenses wipes more easily and accurately helping to reduce waste.
CaviWipes HP provides a friendly alternative for those who prefer not to use alcohol-based wipes, and our Hydrogen Peroxide (HP) formulation provides better cleaning efficacy than alcohol-based products.***
CaviWipes HP 1-minute universal contact time means less waiting for disinfection of all 67 listed pathogens (fungicidal, tuberculocidal, viricidal & bactericidal) including Multidrug-Resistant Organisms (MDROs).
Fully qualified for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) rigorous Emerging Viral Pathogen claim, CaviWipes HP protects against today’s current most difficult-to-kill pathogens and tomorrow’s future pathogens.
Ordering Information
Part #  Description
16-1100 CaviWipes HP (6” x 6.75”) – 160 towelettes per canister
16-1150 CaviWipes HP XL (9” x 12”) – 65 towelettes per canister


** Precleaning is required when visibly soiled and/or disinfecting against Candida auris, HIV, HBV and HCV
*** Data on file.

Call 1-800-537-7123 or fill this form to contact Kerr for current CaviWipes HP deals!